Company Endeavors

Nima Group continuously strives to provide the best solutions and support for our valuable customers. We fully understand the value of content and loyal customers, who return for the exceptional service they always come to expect from us. We invest in and utilize the latest technologies and tools to provide the best, most cost-effective solutions for you. We help you become the best and the most efficient you can be. One of the most valuable tools we use to help you is Finite Element Analysis Modeling (FEM).

Nima Group, LLC has specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and tangible missions which is evolving it into a profitable and sustainable business in this complex engineering field. Good management skills are applied to achieve the objective. The main points of focus are customer satisfaction, improving sales performance by skills, strategy, negotiation, coaching, prospecting, and quality analysis. Because of integrated activity of control coupled with management skills, this company is making significant progress

Our Finite Element Modeling (FEM), Thermal Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and advanced engineering verifications, provide cost-effective solutions for our customers through the best engineering resources, practices, and knowledge. Our mission is to provide our customers with innovative, optimized engineering solutions utilizing advanced technology, leading to experiences that meet or exceed customer expectations in terms of project scope, budget, schedule, and quality.

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Modeling & Design

Complex EMS, RB, IPF Conveyor support structures (Skillet Platform, Brake,Clutch and Fuel-filling large platform, all supply lines, door, engine, tire, chassis EMS etc) in General Assembly

Design of all new-generation process tanks (Phosphate, E-Coat, General finishing, spray tanks)

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Use of Finite Element Analysis

In an effort to improve the efficiency of the U.S. auto industry, use of advanced finite element modeling is necessary to avoid rework, re-engineering, and repair costs to non-building structural components. The non building structures used in the auto industry are extremely complex. They involve various types of structural components made of members and plate elements of various geometry and properties. The service ability ands trength requirements are completely different than building structures. We have conducted several experiments that explored a new way to coordinate the designing and building of components used in automobile manufacturing.

Additionally, we have used FEM of the structure for solving certain problems in paint finishing systems (PFS) projects in the automotive industry by model based simulation (MBS) by integrating the quality and environmental impacts of the products by life cycle analysis. FEM was used to design complex innovative products to meet all of the requirements of a healthy and sustainable well-designed PFS project by increasing team effectiveness and promoting better engineering. approaches.

Various experiments were conducted by using FEM after verifying the parameter estimation by MBS experiments to test the model and to develop the ability to apply it in a variety of situations.Preparation of an adequate model in PFS projects requires an understanding of the problem area, be it stress analysis, serviceability, heat transfer, fatigue analysis, and so on.

The engineer must be knowledgeable in each area in creating a model and converting it to FE representation. In MBS, the simulation is conducted for the most important functional units, like, process tanks, robot supporting structures, conveyor transfers, and other complex structures whose proper performance is important for the end products with respect to quality and throughput. MBS engineering methodology is an integrated set of computational and information technologies for predicting the behavior of complex systems.

Our Projects

Building redesign In many automotive projects, sometimes clients want to use the existing building to install a new system. Nima Group reused the existing building structure to integrate non-building structures professionally.

Pressure Vessel Design We developed an integrated modeling of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and specific software's for ASME section VIII, Div. I and European standards. Pressure Vessels for a customer is accomplished by teamwork, integrating the process requirements, and to optimize in meeting requirements.

Spray Booth The design of spray booth systems requires an integrated FEA model of the housing and the robot support structure to control the specified deflection at the tip of the robot.

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